An Intro to vi editor

 Click here for vi tips and tricks
Using vi
Beginning Your Editing Session 
   To edit a file			vi [ filename ]
   To recover an editing session	vi -r [ filename ]

Notes on vi commands and modal editing 

All vi commands are entered in command mode. To enter command mode, press the ESC key.
Some vi commands cause vi to enter another mode. For example, the i (insert command) 
causes vi to enter insert mode after which all keystrokes are inserted as text. To return
to command mode from insert mode, press the ESC key. The :set showmode commandwill cause
vi to display the current editing mode in the lower right corner of the editing screen. 

Controlling The Screen Display of Your Session 

   Repaint the current screen		{ctrl-l}
   Display line #, # of lines, etc..	{ctrl-g}

Moving the Cursor 

   Beginning of current line		0 or ^
   Beginning of first screen line	H
   Beginning of last screen line	L
   Beginning of middle screen line	M
   Down one line			j, {return}, +
   End of current line			$
   Left one character			h, {ctrl-h}
   Left to beggining of word		b, B
   Right one character			l, {space}
   Right to end of word			e, E
   Right to beginning of word		w, W
   Up one line				k, -
   Beginning of next sentence		)
   Beginning of previous sentence	(

Paging Through Text 

   Back one screen			{ctrl-b}
   Down half a screen			{ctrl-d}
   Down one screen			{ctrl-f}
   Forware to end of file		G
   Move cursor to specified line	line no. G
   Up half a screen			{ctrl-j}

Special Pattern Characters 

   Beginning of line				^
   End of line					$
   Any character except newline 		.
   Any number of the preceding character	*
   Any set of characters (except newline)	.*

Searching Through Text 

   Backward for pattern				?pattern
   Forward for pattern				/pattern
   Repeat previous search			n
   Reverse direction of previous search		N

   Show *all* lines containing pattern		:beg,endg/pattern/p
   :1,$g/compiler/p Will print all lines with the pattern compiler.

   Substitute patt2 for all patt1 found.	:beg,ends/patt1/patt2/g
   :%s/notfound/found/g Will change all occurences of notfound to found.

Creating Text 

   Append text after cursor		a
   Append text after end of line	A
   Insert text before cursor		i
   Insert text at beginning of line	I
   Open new line after current line	o
   Open new line before current line	O
   Take next character literally
    (i.e. control characters...)
    and display it			{ctrl-v}

Modifying Text 

   Change current word			cw, cW
   Change current line (cursor to end)	C
   Delete character (cursor forward)	x
   Delete character (before cursor)	X
   Delete word				dw, dW
   Delete line				dd
   Delete text to end of line		D
   Duplicate text			(use yank and put)
   Join current line with next line	J
   Move text				(use delete and put)
   Put buffer text after/below cursor	p
   Put buffer text before/above cursor	P
   Repeat last modification command	.
   Replace current character		r
   Replace text to end of line		R
   Substitute text for character	s
   Undo your previous command		u
   Transpose characters			xp
   Yank (copy) word into buffer		yw
   Yank (copy) current line into buffer	Y

Making Corrections During Text Insertions 

   Overwrite last character		{delete}
   Overwrite last word		 	{ctrl-w}

Ending Your Editing Sessions 

   Quit (no changes made)		:q
   Quit and save changes		ZZ, :wq
   Quit and discard changes		:q!

Using ex Commands From Within vi 

   Copy specified lines			:co, t
   Display line numbers			:set nu
   Disable display of line numbers	:set nonu
   Move lines after specified line	:m
   Read file in after specified line	:r filename
   Review current editor options	:set 
   Review editor options		:set all
   Set new editor option		:set option
   Write changes to original file	:w
   Write to specified file		:w filename
   Force write to a file		:w! filename

Some useful set options for your ~/.exrc file:

   :set all		Display all Set options
   :set autoindent	Automagically indent following lines to the indentation
			  of previous line.
   :set ignorecase	Ignore case during pattern matching.
   :set list		Show special characters in the file.
   :set number		Display line numbers.
   :set shiftwidth=n	Width for shifting operators << and >>
   :set showmode	Display mode when in Insert, Append, or Replace mode.
   :set wrapmargin=n	Set right margin 80-n for autowrapping lines 
			(inserting newlines).  0 turns it off.
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